Sunday, May 08, 2011

Tips For Choosing A Baby Bed

Tips For Choosing Bed
It's important for you as a parent to choose a quality crib for your baby. But with so many  choices  at this point cots. Here are some tips for choosing a  baby bed  that is safe and  comfortable  for your baby:

1. Choose a crib that has a guardrail on each side.

2. Avoid baby bed frame that has a sharp corner or material that is easily peeled off for your baby avoid the danger of injury from scratch.

3. Choose a baby bed made ​​of stainless steel, not iron. Baby bed made ​​of iron will someday be rusty and dangerous if swallowed by your baby.

4. Choose the size bed that match your baby's age. Choose a crib that you can use even when your baby reaches the age of 2 or 3 years.

So tips on choosing a good crib so you can give the best resting place for your baby.

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Posted by: PARENTS GUIDECHILD, Updated at: Sunday, May 08, 2011


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