Thursday, April 07, 2011

Providing nutrition and vitamin intake of children

In addition we provide milk to children, we should also provide nutrition and vitamins for growth and development. Providing these nutrients and vitamins intended to help meet the needs of the substances needed by the body. Eating is called food supplements.

We have had many kinds of supplements on the market without having to use a doctor's prescription and is safe for consumption. In the existing rules of disposable packaging and things that need attention. And food supplements such as these we find in the market there is a form of liquid and solid. In solid form, made ​​funny shapes resembling animals or objects or toys. So attractive to children and want to eat it.

In addition to overcoming malnutrition and vitamin food supplements exist that serve to increase appetite. Thereby, in addition to healthy children and overweight. About the taste of food supplements is usually adjusted with the taste of fruits so that the children liked the food.

Food supplements are well known in Indonesia for example Sakatonik ABC, Curcuma Plus Emulsion Scoth. And many others.

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Posted by: PARENTS GUIDECHILD, Updated at: Thursday, April 07, 2011


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