Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Education for children

Initial conditions of a happiness about their own children are often overcome with anger in a short time. The kids will quickly grow in its own personality, and it is the most important tasks of parents to help develop and provide a form of child's personality. Everything in this life, education of children should be able to walk between strict rules and let loose with the rules.

1. Discipline

What it really needs during that time is care and loving, to tighten the emotional bounds to its parents.
Between seven and fourteen months, children normally start testing their limits. Babies at that age start challenging their parents by stubborn disobedience, but that should not lead to punishment. Discipline can become considerably harder to apply, but is vital to steer the course of your child's further development. Especially the father's role as an authority for the child and support for his wife can make this period a lot easier.

When children receive a bump or scratch that's no drama - turning it into one will just make you and your child over-frightened in the future. In the following years, the focus of education should be on the child's character and attitudes. At the same time, the control parents have over their children's activities is reduced, and especially when it comes to trends parents often lack understanding for the things that are "in".
So even though your child becomes more independent, it's important that you have time together and show interest in its experiences, interests and problems.

2. Rules of thumb

Don't expect your child to behave according to rules you haven't set. Especially young children often can't distinguish between right and wrong.
- Be firm!
- Forgive!
After a confrontation is settled, reassure your child of your love and show that you're not resentful.

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Posted by: PARENTS GUIDECHILD, Updated at: Tuesday, March 22, 2011


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