Monday, October 18, 2010

Birth of First Child

After my wife underwent a nine-month pregnant then exactly on October 17, 2000 my first child was born.Born on Tuesday at 18:30.At the hospital "Puri Astuti" Perumahan Jati Mulya Jaya, East Bekasi.Normal birth process and assisted by a physician and a physician assistant / nurse.
 In time will bear me feel scared.If the birth is not normal.Besides threatening the safety of his mother and the baby would also be expensive.I always pray to god for the grant of the normal birth process.Grateful and happy to be born normal and his mother also survived.

265633_Every day low prices on medical supplies from!   My first child of a male and my named Khoirul Achmad Rasyad.The length and weight normal.My baby at birth weigh 2.8 kg and length 49 cm.The baby is healthy and cry at birth.That suggests that the baby can talk and not disabled.

 On the first baby born in fed honey by the doctor.aim to stimulate the mouth to the wiggle.Some specialized equipment is prepared deliberately to celebrate the birth of your first baby.It has been prepared in a special soap for babies and sampoo.Because the baby's skin is still sensitive and differ from adult skin.

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Posted by: PARENTS GUIDECHILD, Updated at: Monday, October 18, 2010


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